Monday, December 19, 2011

... and I'm a winner !

Yeah ! I was all sad and thought that lady luck was not on my side after entering all those wonderful giveaways. But no, sitting in my spam folder ( I must check it more often ) was a notification that I have won ! Coming to me is a new GreenBag lady market bag and produce bag, I'm very excited - I love getting packages in the post. If you go to her site Here you to can enter to win your own Greenbag lady bag. She has some lovely dotty ones up for offer ( the ones in the picture), contest closes on the 20th so be quick or go back often as she is always giving them away. You do have to pledge to go green and use the bags instead of plastic, now for those of us in the GTA we don't really get a choice so may as well get your self a freebie bag! I will post pictures when they arrive